Monday, January 21, 2008

The Albino Behind Me

I'm of a "certain age", and while I've been many places and experienced many different things, I never thought my most recent trip to Walmart would yield me a new and somewhat creepy experience.

So, I had to visit Walmart for those most basic needs: food, drink, dog food, understand. I decided that since I was in my civilian clothes (no SpongeBob pants, mind you...I learned my lesson!), I could venture again to the local Walmart Neighborhood Market. All things considered, my shopping experience this time was very routine and nothing to write home about. Until I got in line at the checkout. As you might have pieced together by now, I tend to have some unusual experiences while waiting in lines. If you haven't pieced that together by now you are either new to this blog, or you're a complete fucking idiot. Take your pick.

Anywho, I was waiting in line perusing the latest rags that had either "Britney Spears Shocker! She wants another baby!" or "Thinner thighs and rock hard abs in 2 weeks!" headlines on them, when I heard someone roll up behind me. Being a curious and observant individual, I turned slightly to catch a glimpse of my newest linemate (I mean, it could be some hot guy who likes SpongeBob pants!). I was not, however, prepared for what I saw. The man behind me was a REAL LIVE ALBINO! Holy shit! I know I was staring, but I'd never really seen one up close and personal! I quickly turned back around and, heart racing, sent off a quick text about said albino to someone I knew who enjoyed the freakish and odd. Then try as I might, I could not help but to keep sneaking glances at him. I mean, the white hair, skin so light it was practically translucent (WAY whiter than yours truly, thank God!), the odd, red-rimmed eyes (but they weren't pink in color like albino rats or anything) that were surprisingly very dark. It was all too much to ignore!

Of course, when you are trying to be inconspicuous, you inevitably get caught. Dammit! So about the umpteenth time I snuck a glance, the unexpected happened: dreaded eye contact between me and my albino. Not one to be nervous in social situations, I was temporarily immobile. I just stared. Finally, after what felt like days of connection, I kinda just smiled. Then, he smiled in return, and the stuff of nightmares was born. His teeth were kind of a dull yellow, which contrasted sickly with his pasty complexion. I thought I might drop dead of a heart attack right there! I know, I know, it's sounds so mean, but what the fuck? This was uncharted territory for me!

So I quickly turned around and started clumsily putting my items on the belt thingy when it happened: I dropped my damn green tea carton! As I quickly bent down to pick it up, the white devil stooped down as well, and then we were face to face, only inches apart with our hands on my teabags! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! I think I mumbled, "Thanks" and he replied, "No problem, sweetheart, " smiling his creepy smile. I think I flinched. Needless to say, I got out of there was quickly as I could. And I also did have nightmares about fanged albino killers!

Today though, I just feel shamed. I mean, he wasn't cruising the WNM for his next victim to far as I could tell from his shopping cart, he was getting chips and beer for the football game. Why oh why had I reacted that way?? I'm sure he thought I was a complete batshit bitch who was off her meds.

When I went to see Father Liam this morning, I confessed my obvious prejudice, and he said, "We all fear what we do not know, Sassy. But he is also one of God's children. Being kind to those who are unlike us shows His grace." Motherfucker! Thanks for the guilt trip, Father Liam! And two Our Fathers included in my penance? Shit! He was an ALBINO for chrissakes!

*Father Liam may be leaving me! They may send him to a mission in Belize! BELIZE! How the hell am I going to deal with that? Do you know what it takes to break in a new priest?? I'm quite certain Father Liam already thinks I'm a little bit crazy, but he's not new to the priesthood and seems to be handling me quite well. Please God, don't send me an albino priest...I'll end up in hell in a handbasket for sure!


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    May I suggest that instead of confession to Father Liam, you confess on your blog?

    That would be GREAT. I'll absolve you of anything, SB.

  2. So if you'd let me "get behind you" I'd gladly paint myself white. hahahaha

    What the hell; made me laugh.
    So! At least he didn't add "can I have your liver?" to his sweetheart comment.

  3. LBB-Thank you, my sweet! XOXO

    EA-What color are you now? Purple? ;)

  4. Wait, did you say the albino teabagged you?? Right there in the store??!

  5. This is why I enjoy Walmart!

    I once saw an old man buying thongs and bras while driving a hoveround! True story!

  6. there were so many sentences with double meanings in this story ... awesome. Suzy (my sister) has similar market experiences

  7. More like blue. And I don't mean sad.

  8. I think you'll find that the freakish and odd is not uncommon at Wal-mart Neighborhood Markets.

  9. I'm sure he thought I was a complete batshit bitch who was off her meds.

    Nah, perish the thought, he is most likely blogging about his experience right now. And who knows what kind of sinly laws he'd have broken whilst in line with you? I know I've broken atleast three of them right now just thinking about myself.

  10. I grew up with a friend who was albino. Pale skin, white hair and charcoal grayish eyes. Crazy stuff.

  11. I see that the obvious tea-bagging comment has already been done, so here are some possible theories:

    1) As the Medusa of albinos, you turn men into them;

    2) He was an extraterrestrial seeking to abduct (and probe) you, because after all, it was Monday night yet again. Only he grew impatient waiting for you to finish getting your jollies in the WNM, so he came after you in the store;

    3) The bleach you were attempting to purchase had a loose cap;

    4) He was actually blacker than coal, but the hallucinogens you consumed earlier had you seeing everything as a photographic negative;

    5) He was your guardian angel, trying to prevent you from texting Mr. Wrong, apparently to no avail;

    6) In keeping with the SpongeBob theme of a previous visit, he was posing as a Sea Anemone;

    7) He just gave blood to the Red Cross for 5-days in a row, as part of a radio contest. This would explain the lack of color, and also the delirium in attempting to hit on you;

    8) He was the "Ghost of Christmas Past", reminding you that you could've been nicer - especially to Yours Truly - and more generous with your, ahem, cookies.

  12. 5 of 5 stars for Puerileuwaite


  13. Dyckiepoo-No, but I gave him your number. I think he's interested...

    Rev-No shit? Walmart sure brings out the freaks!

    Carly-Well shucks...I try.

    Wirthy-Maybe I'll learn my lesson and go to Target.

    Orhan-It was NOT that kind of encounter...thank God!

    Redline-I was very strange. I feel terrible that I was such an idiot!

    Pugsley-I am not amused by all of your comments. What did I ever do to you? Hmm? Medusa? Really? :(

    EA-It'll make you stronger...really.

  14. Wait! Please let me explain!

    By Medusa, I meant that once eye contact is made with your hot bod, all blood rushes to "Mr.Happy". As such, it is our lust for you that turns us into temporary albinos.

  15. Pugsley-I'm not sure I believe you... *sigh*

  16. Okay, have it YOUR way: I'll send you the type of photographic proof that I normally reserve for responding to ladies' ads on Craig's List.


Ramble on a bit. You know you want to.