Friday, January 04, 2008

SpongeBob Might Get You Some Action (Unwanted, Of Course)

So I'm on the waning last days of my extended winter break until I have to return to Mayberry. Blegh. I always know that I've been off too long when I can't find enough stuff to do. Everyone else is at work, and you can only watch so much Lifetime TV (that sappy shit makes me bawl like a baby!). So when I got up this morning, I wanted to make pancakes. Pancakes and I have a rocky relationship...mostly because they are full of bad carbohydrates, and I get a little free with the syrup. Anywho, I love pancakes, but I only eat them maybe twice a year. But I digress. I got up and wanted to make pancakes, but I did not have the proper ingredients or any syrup. That meant a little jaunt to the Walmart Neighborhood Market. For those of you who don't have them, it's basically a Walmart supermarket only. Lucky for me, there's one just a short mile or so from the house. Now, I don't normally like to go out while still in my pajamas. And by pajamas, I mean SpongeBob Squarepants fleece bottoms (Christmas present from my cutie patootie 9 yr old nephew) and a Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt (please Lord, let them make the Superbowl this year). But I decided that this was an emergency. I wanted those fucking pancakes, and shitty McDonald's rubber disks were not going to satisfy my craving. So I put my hair up and threw on some shoes and a bra and headed out the door. It was 7:00 in the morning, so who would I really see, right?

As I walk into the WNM, I notice that one of the cart wranglers looks at me funny. I smile and say, "Woke up, needed pancakes." He replies, "I like those SpongeBob pants!" I nod and keep walking. Of course, I only went in for one or two things, but as everyone knows, Walmart always sucks you in, so I was there an my pajamas. However, I found it very strange that so many people were: A) in the WNM at 7am and B) felt compelled to talk about my pants. Men, women, and children of all ages seem to react to ole SpongeBob. By the time I was in there for 20 min, my reply to people's, "Hey! I like those pants!" was "You know, they like you too!" (Evidently, sometimes, Sassy says things that give the wrong impression.) While I was checking my egg carton for any breakage, an older guy in his 50s, I'd say, was doing the same near me. He looks over and says, "Those are some fancy pants!" I laugh and say, "Well, I like them!" He replies, "I like them too." My response: "You know, they like you too!" Hahaha. What happened next has NEVER EVER happened to me in all my life. This STRANGER reached down and rubbed my thigh and said, "And they are so soft too, huh?" I was dumbfounded! I kind of jumped back and said, "Excuse me?!" WTF?? Anyone who knows me is aware of my no touchy the Sassy rule if I don't know you. Talky: sure. Touchy: HELL NO! He goes on, " I was just admiring how soft they are. They must be very comfortable." I just continue looking at him in horror. "Listen, mister, you can't go around touching people's pants. It's creepy and weird!" His reply, "Well, you did say they liked me too. I was just being friendly." Wink Wink. I thought: Holy shit! I think Ted Bundy's brother is in my Walmart Neighborhood Market!! I couldn't say a word to that, so I practically ran to the checkout! Thank the heavens for those fucking self-checkout lanes! I must have checked and paid for my items in record time. As I was leaving, I saw TBB checking out, and HE SMILED AND WAVED as I passed. I ran to my car, threw my lil plastic Walmart bags into the trunk, not caring about my eggs and other breakables, and got the hell outta there.

How is it that I missed that maniacal gleam in his eye? Why am I a magnet for the weirdo shitbags? This just solidifies my resolve to NEVER EVER leave the house in my pajamas. SpongeBob attracts the creepy and odd. It's dangerous out there!

**I was just thinking about how uneventful my vacation has been, and so I thought I would have to wait to update the ole RofaSB next week since I'd be back at work and some crazy shit will happen for sure there. But I made my fucking pancakes! Yeah, those are the pants...


  1. Well.. they were soft!

  2. Redline: Yes, they are soft, but he could have just asked!

  3. OK, so you have pants that text people and like people.
    Your pants have richer social life than me.

  4. My pants would like to get together with your pants and have a few belts.

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Funny, funny post.

    Can you put up a picture of them? lol

    I wish everybody would just say screw it and go out anywhere in there jammies. ahhhhh

  6.'re gonna make me cry.

    Dyckiepoo-My pants will call your pants and set that all up, k?

    Patti-I'll try to post a pic of the SpongeBob pants. Promise.

  7. Alrighty...I posted crappy cell phone pics of the pants. Enjoy!

  8. Were you nekkid when you took those pics???

  9. Dyckie-Why yes...YES I was.

  10. That gut needs to go back to his pineapple in the sea. Funny post, since you made it out alive. That is super freaky to touch them ... ick!

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Thanks Sassy
    There adorable!
    No wonder people wanted to talk to

  12. I bet I could talk you out of them. Then we can do a little "Sleeping with the Anemone". I'm assuming you may have also have a sponge of a different sort, you know, for protection. Then I could hang around awhile and sponge off of you, if you catch my drift. Life's always better, down where it's wetter.


  13. Rat-Who? Ted Bundy's brother or SpongeBob?

    Patti-They really are very soft too!

    Pugsley-My, my, aren't we the dirty bird? That's quite a lot of sex talk there, and you've only seen my pants! ;) And well, who knows if you're "sponge-worthy"?

  14. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I've never liked you more.

    I get food cravings all the time, and I'll go to the ends of the earth to satiate them!

    Pancakes. Now you've got me thinking.

    Sorry about that weird dude.

  15. "Listen..., you can't go around touching people's pants."

    If a woman did that to me, I might say the same, then add "don't you know you're supposed to slide your hand inside them to feel how soft they are?!" as I held the waistband out for easy access.

    Seriously, though, you ever want a kick-ass breakfast, you give me a call. I miss cooking for someone; yeah, I cook for my kids, but their idea of cullinary excellence begins and ends with adding extra cheese to the store-bought pizza.

  16. Thank God the "What Not To Wear" people weren't there.

    Well actually no, it would have been great, you would have tried to EXPLAIN to them that yes sometimes people DO need to leave the house for food emergencies DAMN IT. LOL :) I can just imagine it, that, and somehow the police getting called on you for yelling at them. ;) We all know how you love the police. :) ;)

    I love that show but sometimes a girls just gotta go out in jammies damn it.

  17. I must admit, if a chick said that her pants liked me, I'd make a move, just not THAT move.

  18. LBB-Thank you! Go get you some pancakes!

    EA-I loves me some breakfast!

    Hor-I LOVE that show too! And I would have welcomed Stacy and Clinton showing up with my secret footage and $5K to go shopping!

    Dr. Ken-Okay, upon further reflection, I realize that my response MIGHT have been a bit thoughtless. However, it is NEVER okay to touch complete strangers in an intimate fashion. EVER.

  19. Walmart Neighborhood Market

    Isn't that a tripple negative?

    Re: the old man and the pants; sounds like you had a Seinfeld moment ;)

  20. Sassy - Do you dream of going on that show too? Wouldn't it be SO cool??

  21. I pray every day that someone, somewhere is shooting that secret footage, Hor!

  22. k that is totally creepy!


Ramble on a bit. You know you want to.