Monday, September 03, 2007

It's Got To Be Me

So okay, I've been absent a while. Work has started again, and my days of being lazy and playing on the computer are long gone. Plus, as I mentioned before, I've had some serious home computing issues. Needless to say, they still aren't resolved, but I'm on my way.

I wanted to relay an interesting experience while shopping a couple of weeks ago. I was actually in line at a retail store waiting to return some items. While in line, I felt a tug on my pant leg and looked down at the cutest pair of big brown eyes and curly brown hair attached to a little girl of about 3 yrs old. She was very obviously Hispanic, and so I knelt down and said, "Well hello there!" She then started to babble something in Spanish. I may or may not have mentioned before that I barely speak any Spanish. I had my 2.5 yrs over the course of my education, and so while I can understand quite a bit, speaking it tends to make others look at me as if I have Tourette's or something. Anywho, I said to her, "Hola chica. Como estas?" She brightened immediately, and so I tried looking around for her mother or other relative. As I looked around, she started to cry and reached out her arms to me. Not knowing what else to do, I picked her up and started trying to soothe her, talking quietly in the minimal broken Spanish I know. As the line continued to move, I just moved with it, carrying this child. Right as I was about to step up to the counter, a woman came running up with two policemen, rapidly and hysterically speaking Spanish and pointing at me and the little girl. Naturally, I assumed it was her little girl and so I turned to hand her over. Before I could do so, the woman jerked the child from me, nearly knocking me down and then the two policemen grabbed me by both arms. WTF? So the woman is continuing to speak in machine-gun fire Spanish, and a crowd is starting to form. The security people ask me to step out of line and follow them. I ask them why. They say they need to take this matter to a more private place. A bit dazed and mightily confused, I followed them. When I arrived at the back of the store, we took a left through some double doors and into an office room...where two more police officers were waiting. Then, I start to get a clue. These people must think I was taking off with the lady's kid!! So, I started to laugh, and I said, "Um, you can check my bag. I haven't stuffed any merchandise in there. " (Note to self: Do not joke to police officers about a crime. They do not think it is funny.) One of the officers told me to please sit down rather seriously. I complied. I'm nothing if not a law-abiding citizen. They ask for my ID, which I gave them, and one of the other cops leaves the office with it. Finally, I find my voice again and ask what the hell is going on. One of the remaining police officers tells me to stay calm. I tell him, "Listen, I'm pretty calm, but I have no idea what this is about. Why don't you tell me or arrest me. Either way, I get the information and can make an informed decision on what to do next." He then proceeds to ask me what I was doing with the little girl. I told him my story, let him know he could ask the people behind me if they were still there, and then I could get going. He told me to wait so that he and his partners could check it out. Excuse me? Do I look like a creepy perv or a kidnapper? I came to return some stinking pants for the love of Mike! Of course, I started to babble about working at a school and this and that. The officers just told me to just quiet down. So...45 minutes later, they start apologizing and explaining. Seems the little girl had actually disappeared from her mother's car at a convenience store next door to the department store. They had issued an Amber Alert, and the mother was riding with them when they got a call that a woman at said department store was seen with the missing child. So they rushed over. As they tell me I'm free to go, I stop them. I said, "Wait a minute! How the hell did that baby get over to the Kohl's by herself? I didn't pick her up at the convenience store! She started pulling on my pant leg. Where the hell was her mother?" They look at each other kind of confused. So, I continue,"Shouldn't you be looking at the mother as possibly being neglectful? Did she leave the baby in the car? It's 100 degrees out! What the hell kind of concerned mother does that and then LOSES her 3 yr old 300 yards away? If that child left her car at the convenience store, she walked across a very busy road to get to this store. " One of the now forever known as Keystone Cops answered, "Well ma'am, our first concern was recovering the child. " No shit Sherlock! I reply, "Well, she's recovered, so instead of detaining me, shouldn't you be speaking to the mother now? Are you waiting on an interpreter or something?" One of the officers, a kind of burly guy, more pudgy than muscled, started to turn a bit red in the neck and face. The other said to me, " Ms. SB, I apologize for this inconvenience, but now that we have cleared you, it's really none of your concern." Excuse me, fucker? A small child is left unattended in a car in sweltering heat, gets out of the car and wanders across a dangerous road, and then ends up in a department store where anyone could have grabbed her? And that's not my concern? By now, I had steam coming out of my ears! I replied, "You're right. It's not. I'll give a call to CPS. Maybe they'll care about what is or is not my concern." I then stood up and walked out. It would have been a grand exit if I hadn't forgotten my stupid fucking pants! GRR! So I had to go back in, jerk them off the table, and go back to the customer service desk....with EVERYONE looking at me as if I were some kind of criminal! I quickly returned the pants and left the store. As I was walking out, I saw the mother, holding the little girl, talking to the officers. The little girl turned to look at me as I was leaving. I waved goodbye. She blew me a kiss.

Yes, it's got to be me. I just thank God I didn't have my gun on me, or that could have all gone very differently.


  1. damn SB... thats a story you hadnt told, maybe this means we ned to communicate more.... it has been a long week, but i think i am getting back into the swing of things... finally!

  2. Insanity. 'Driving with the brakes on' had a similar story of lack of police concern and children.

    Then of course there was the issue of a family that can't even speak English to properly ask for help.

    At least the child will appreciate your efforts.

  3. Unreal.

    I'm so sorry you had all that drama. Did you get to try on handcuffs, at least?

  4. Ay carumba. DPD at it's finest. You poor thing. I would've been so flustered that I would've just kept the dang pants and gone to another store. Or I would've gone the opposite direction and yelled one of those "What are YOU looking at?" lines. I hope that mother (said loosely) gets what she deserves.

  5. If only I could've ran into the store right when you were waving to the little girl. There I'd be, naked from the waist down, yelling in broken English, "That lady stole my pants!"

  6. Luckily you weren't some pedophile. That little girl was lucky she trusted you.

  7. Dr. K-Yes, I agree!

    Dyck-Shut it! I was NOT kidnapping a kid!

    BB-This just happened last week, but I was holding on to it.

    Redline-I KNOW! And I guess I shouldn't have picked her up, but she was crying and well, I just didn't think about it.

    Ima-No handcuffs, thank GOD!

    Cruiser-Exactly! I wish I hadn't been so angry...I get pretty silent when I'm super angry.

    Pug-LOL Thanks! :o)

    Phoenix-It IS lucky! Stupid lady leaving her kid in a car! GRRRR!

    Lindygirl-Well for the love of Mike, I was surrounded by people! It wasn't like I was in a dressing room or some place private! I kid cries, I pick it up...I just didn't think about it. I was moving up in the line and figured I'd leave her with the store people to page her mom. At least then she wasn't wandering alone! And I like cops for the most part...just not when they are stupid.

  8. For the love of Mike :) I haven't heard that in a while. My bad, my bad ;) That's kind of funny though the whole you were going to return her along with the clothes.
    You could have set her up on the counter and said you lost the receipt. :)

  9. LOL. That was funny Lindy. I'm so going to do that if I ever find a lost child in a store.

  10. Lindygirl-Yes, I'm OLD. I still say for the love of Mike! And yes, I would have left her with the store people. LOL

    Redline-As a man, you might not get the same benefit of the doubt...

    David-Where in all of the story did I say she was Mexican? Hmm? And PITA stays with TG...she'd go into shock if she actually had to answer to me! LOL

  11. Wow! Glad you didn't have a gun either...and super glad I wasn't with you!

  12. Things like that make you understand why people don't take care of others anymore.

  13. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Holy crap! What an amazing story. I would have been VERY angry had that happened to me.

    Jeez. An Amber Alert? That's pretty serious.

  14. Anonymous7:50 AM

    So, what, I can't make eyes at all the so-kidnap-able little kids in my hood anymore?

    What kind of crap ass world do we live in.

  15. Is it wrong to kinda wish you actually had the gun?

  16. You handled that faaaaaaaaaaar better than I ever would or could have.

  17. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Hey...where did you go? Do you need bail money or something? :)

  18. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I hope you pursue this sassy, that was just wrong.


Ramble on a bit. You know you want to.