Friday, June 22, 2007

HELP! My Blog Has Lost Its Mind!

Okay people, WHAT THE FUCK is up with my blog? I logged on this morning to find that half of my linked stuff and all of the archives have a strike through line! HUH? What is going on? I need more savvy experts to help me solve this problem...I have no idea how to do anything really, and when I link up things, I always have to go to help to tell me how. They did not have a solution or even a situation yet that I could find like this. And it's not MY computer...she's drug and disease free. If you can help, I would very much appreciate it and give you a huge virtual hug and and kiss. Gender not important in this particular situation.


Sassy B


  1. Ooo... Can't help you there. I barely turn on my computer. When my laptop went nutso on me, what did I do? I bought a new computer!

  2. I'd guess something is wrong with your "Waiter Rant" entry. Check and make sure you don't have any punctuation that might be doing odd things.

    Bloggishy Yours,


  3. THANK YOU, Sgt!! I did look at the additions and sure enough, there was a stray letter somewhere. You are the best!


  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I see it's fixed! Woot!

  5. Congrats on yours being fixed. I think mine is so f'd, that I have to drop the damn thing.

    <---steaming but happy to have found your blog.

    I'd add you but the problem is that I can't change the template at all.GGRRR

  6. ATG-Woo hoo!

    Beakerz-Sorry to hear that! Although I'm not a complete computer tard, I do struggle with computer language.


Ramble on a bit. You know you want to.