Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dear Texas Rangers and MLB

You suck BIG TIME! No, I'm not a fan...I hate baseball. It's for pussies. But you take up an unfortunate amount of time on Sportscenter and my local sports news. I'd rather hear about Paris Hilton and her skags (skanks + hags = skags). Sure, Teixeira is somewhat of a hottie, but watching baseball these days is like watching paint dry. Golf is more exciting. Watered down pitching, overpaid "players", too many games, drugging, and no more Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken, Jr., or other noteworthy retirees.

And Rangers, the brilliant big brass in your front office is paying another player TO PLAY FOR SOMEONE ELSE WHO ALWAYS KICKS YOUR ASS. (A-Rod? More like A-Hor) That's right. The Yankees pimp done took your best bitch, and you're footing her bills while she's on her knees for New York.

Baseball blows!


  1. "... on her knees for New York."

    AAHHHAHAHAHAH you crack me up.

  2. Ugh, I hate baseball, too. I have never gotten how or why they pay those guys that much. The only good baseball is baseball in person. On tv, notsomuch.

    I just realized you can play wit Spanky. Too cute. It drove my dog crazy.

  3. Lindy-You can't change the truth now, can you?

    Cruiser-First, you haven't blogged since last Wednesday! Get your shit together!

    Second, even baseball in person isn't that good. I'm sorry to say it, but I cannot tell a lie. But that lil Mark Teixeira is cu-ute! Maybe I'd like baseball more if he just stood naked in my bedroom with his glove on? I don't would be a tough call.

  4. Mmmm, I will have to google Mr. Teixeira. But geez, now I have to actually write that down, because I'll be damned if I can remember how to spell that shit.

    And - come on, give a girl a chance to have a life, or at least do some laundry once in awhile. I'll come up with something to post in Sun or Mon. Promise. *fingers crossed behind my back*

  5. Not that you care, but I like baseball but the best part is the word drugging, doing drugs?

  6. Cruiser-The pic posted is of MT! lol

    Femmme-Yes, they are drugging still...damn overpaid whiners! I'm glad someone likes baseball! Hope your team wins!

  7. Anonymous12:08 AM

    No qualms with that! Screw baseball.

  8. I miss Nolan Ryan! I still have the DFW paper that listed all of his strikeouts when he hit the 5000 mark.

    Baseball is only fun to watch when your at the game, and that's mostly because you spent a fortune on tickets and drinks and your forcing yourself to enjoy it.

  9. LBB-We need to start a Baseball Haters club. Oh wait, that might screw with the whole "Baseball, motherhood, and apple pie" thing. And why don't more people get into hockey? It's way more entertaining!

    SGT-ME TOO! That was when I was a kid, and baseball was not at some fancy stadium but at Arlington Park and the players talked to you, blows now.

  10. Baseall used to rock. Now I can't even stand to turn it on anymore.

  11. I knew the end was near when they named the new park "Ballpark in Arlington".

  12. The season should be 20 games long.

    All of them Yankees vs RedSox.

    And then hand the Yanks the pennent and we can all go back to our lives.

  13. Oh, I looked up some pics of Mr. Teixeira - and yeah, I wouldn't kick him out of bed. But since you've got dibs first.....

    Still - baseball sucks hind tit.


Ramble on a bit. You know you want to.